‘Powerful way to connect’ — Windsor Muslims reach out with meals

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Two local Muslim groups took to Windsor’s core this week to feed folks living in poverty.
The Windsor Islamic Association and the Palestinian Canadian Community Association prepared meals inspired by Middle Eastern cuisine and traditions at the Downtown Mission on Monday.
The event served roughly 200 people.
It kicked off a new program by the Windsor Islamic Association called Building Bridges Through Cuisine, which aims to serve food to local Windsorites in need. Once a month, the WIA will partner with a different local cultural group to prepare dishes from their homeland for Downtown Mission visitors.
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“Food is such a powerful way to connect with others, so I think it’s the perfect opportunity to help people who are in need, and at the same time try to bridge the gap between different cultures,” Widad Mezahi, WIA communications co-ordinator, told the Star.
“It’s important for us to help out where we can for people who may not know where the next meal is coming from.”
In January, the organization plans to partner with Windsor’s Lebanese community to serve meals, and in February, it will partner with the Turkish community.
Mezahi said a callout for volunteers to help prepare and serve meals at the mission this month received an “overwhelming” response. Although the group has temporarily closed applications for volunteers, she said she expected more hands will be needed in the new year. Those interested in assisting will be able to apply to volunteer at the organization’s website in the future.
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“It’s really nice to see that much interest from the community to help out,” Mezahi said.
The organization is accepting donations for the monthly meal program and other food donation programs online at windsorislamicassociation.com.

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